Posts tagged "Rule"

Ecuador Chocolate Ready to Rule the World

Ecuador Chocolate Ready to Rule the World

Chocolate is one of the leading commodities in the world.

Leading cocoa export countries have visited Ecuador to turn the coastal city of Guayaquil into the worlds chocolate headquarters. Around 85,000 farmers in Guayaquil cultivate Ecuadors aroma cocoa.

Spare s minute from your precious time to watch this video.

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Posted by Nikita Gould - December 3, 2013 at 1:04 pm

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The Rule of 7… About Nigella Lawson

Nigella Lawson… stuff I didn’t know

1. *She was born in 1960… which would make her younger than I am, which seems to be case more and more the case these days, it seems lol.

2.*Her first book was entitled… How To Eat! I could have written a book with a title like that, but I’m not sure anyone would have paid money for it, but I do know how to eat! *She wasn’t educated in her field of cooking, but has a Masters in Languages. Hey, maybe I could pull off a cookbook after all!

3.*She has a pretty cool website with some amazing recipes. The one that she was featuring on the day I visited was Mexican Hot Chocolate. It did look rather scrumptious! Be sure to visit her site :

4.*She is quite comfortable in her own skin and her weight. Actually, isn’t she what we would term a normal size? More on this story can be found here:

5.*What I love about her kitchen: it’s messy. Translation… she likes everything at her fingertips! That’s how I like my kitchen too! It drives my daughter crazy, but it’s my kitchen lol!!

6.”Although I think it is a duty to appreciate the good things in life (and by that I mean what used to be called blessings) I also feel a little anxious and apprehensive about shouting from the rooftops how lucky I am.” Nigella Lawson

7.. Now, you have to love this part… a peek at some of her recipes. For someone who enjoys food as much as she does, you just know that they are going to be good!

Recipes by Nigella Lawson: You are going to need a set of kitchen scales for these recipes, but I found them easily. I love the fact that all I have to wash up is one “measuring dish” instead of a whole bunch of measuring cups!




Can you tell that I love all things chocolate??

Written by HappyGoLucky

More Chocolate Education Articles

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Posted by Chocoholic - August 30, 2011 at 8:26 am

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