Posts tagged "chocolate diet"

Lose Body Fat With Chocolate

Based on the studies done by the researchers from the University of Granada in Spain, European adolescents who eat chocolate on a regular basis, even those who weren’t necessarily going on a diet or exercising, tend to be slimmer.

1,458 teenagers aged between 12 and 17 in nine European countries, including Spain and the UK were the subjects of this particular research. Turns out, those who are fans of chocolate and consume a lot of it had lower body fat.

Furthermore, those teenagers who swear by chocolate had better circulation, blood pressure and heart health. The study was published in Journal Nutrition. However, it wasn’t specified what they deemed “high chocolate consumption.”

Janet Aylott, a nutrition scientist for Nutracheck, which commissioned the survey, claimed that diets that zero in on going cold turkey on a certain food are more likely to fail. “The key is to take a more relaxed approach and to have a little of what you like,” Aylott said.

Chocolate is notoriously known for its high calories and its reputation for ruining diets, but that is being slowly debunked because of a variety of benefits from chocolate; some of those are the fact that it’s packed with antioxidants, and it being good for the heart and circulation.

Studies in the past have also shown that those who totally get rid of treats like wine, cookies, and chocolate have a higher chance of putting on weight, considering they make up for it by consuming more of other foods. A certain study even displayed that as much as 65% of those who go cold turkey on their favorite treats end up gaining weight.

However, this still doesn’t give you permission to go bonkers with your chocolate eating. Moderation is, has been, and always will be, key.

Another new research study from the University of Cambridge showed that those who enjoyed chocolate on a daily basis were 29% less likely to have a stroke and 37% less likely to suffer from heart diseases than those who steer clear of it most of the time.

We all know how a lot of diets, programs, and other mumbo-jumbo surfacing these days are just a fad. I, too, fell victim to such. A certain diet compelled me to stick to eating certain foods, and only those foods, for days on end.

I quit my beloved chocolate for days, and I ended up binging on it a week later. I failed, miserably. I decided to just exercise and eat healthy and still have my chocolate fix on a daily basis!  And I never looked back.

How about you? Do you have any diet mishaps to share? Hit me with some comments below!

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Posted by Nikita Gould - March 18, 2014 at 4:27 pm

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Chocolate Diet

Chocolate has always been contradictory to weight loss. However, new trends in dieting include chocolate, but it’s not what you think. You can’t just eat any kind of chocolate you put your hands on.

Basically, there are three types of chocolate, namely dark chocolate, milk chocolate, and white chocolate. The dark variant is considered as the healthiest type as it has the highest cocoa content. Cocoa is known for its antioxidants which provide tons of nutritional benefits.

Antioxidants play a big part in protecting the cells from damage, and new studies even show that it prevents certain diseases, particularly ones that affect the heart. They are also known to help fight the damaging effects of free radicals. So yes, cocoa, because of its antioxidant effects, can be a healthy addition to a weight loss plan.

Some diets require you to get rid of sweets altogether, but that abrupt change can lead to a dieting downfall. Most women crave chocolates but want to go on diets, so they deprive themselves of their cravings, which usually makes them break down and end up with unsuccessful diet plans.

While on a chocolate diet, make sure you consume other low-calorie but filling foods. Eat a lot of vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, among many others, as they contain minimum amount of calories. They have very high fiber contents which can help you feel full for longer periods of time. Not only that, they also aid in proper digestion. If you exercise a lot or have an active lifestyle, you may need additional calories. But never ever go on crash diets! Ever.

Keep your body hydrated at all times. Drink water all throughout the day. There are diets that require you to eliminate coffee from your diet as it induces cravings. However, there are people who just can’t live without caffeine in their systems. Just be moderate in your consumption.

Being on a chocolate diet still entails healthy eating and drinking plenty of water, just like any healthy diet programs. You don’t just get to be at your ideal weight, you also get to satisfy your sweet tooth cravings.

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Posted by Nikita Gould - October 10, 2013 at 3:13 pm

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The Mediterranean All-You-Can-Eat Chocolate Diet

There are diets that most of us are used to, and the Mediterranean diet goes for a different route. People going for this diet may eat nuts and eggs to their heart’s content, and yes, even chocolate! Only, it should have more than 50% cocoa. It allows them to have as much fish, seafood, low-fat cheese, and whole-grain cereals as they want.

If you are looking to follow this diet, you must also stick to having olive oil, which you use on salads as well as cooked veggies abundantly. Also, you must have at least two servings a day of vegetables, with at least one of those servings in the form of a salad, on top of at least three servings a day of fresh fruit.

Legumes, which include garbanzo beans, lentils, soybeans and peas, must be eaten at least three times a week. Additionally, you should eat fish or seafood three times a week, with at least one meal of a fatty fish like salmon, tuna or sardines.

A sauce made with tomatoes, garlic and onions simmered in lots of olive oil at least twice a week must also be a staple in your diet. You can pour the sauce on pasta, rice or vegetables. If you’re a wine drinker, you can have it with meals, at least seven glasses a week.

It goes without saying that there is also a list of foods you have to limit. Those include: cream, butter, margarine, pâté, lunch meats, French fries, potato chips, soft drinks and other drinks with sugar added.

Don’t shy away from the oil and nuts, considering they tend to make you full, making you eat less of other foods. Truth be told, nuts are ideal to be eaten at dinner time, since they are so filling.

I’m rambling on while the main idea is that you can eat as much chocolate as you want! This diet is supposedly based on what people in Mediterranean countries used to eat.

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Posted by Nikita Gould - July 31, 2013 at 2:10 pm

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