Posts tagged "candy bars"

Things Everyone Should Know About Dark Chocolate

Contrary to our common thinking, consumption of chocolates can possibly improve cholesterol levels, lower blood pressure and the risk for diabetes. It may sound contradictory but it is true according to Harvard researchers. This study involved a review of 24 studies and 1,106 participants. And the said health benefits are due to the chocolate’s content called flavonoids which are of highest levels in the dark variants.

Dark chocolate is now established to be good for your health, since it has ingredients that can lower your blood pressure, considering you don’t abuse it.

Chocolate has a legion of diehard fanatics because of its flavor, but only a few dig the dark version. As much as I hate to admit it, dark chocolate is still a close second to chocolate varieties like milk chocolate or even the widely loved chocolate candy bars that have many other added ingredients like rice and peanuts to its mixture.

The bittersweet delight that comes with dark chocolate is yummier than it’s given credit for. The taste and the mouthfeel it gives is so intense. People who love it just can’t get enough of it. Some people can’t stand the strong taste, though. But who am I to judge them? Different folks different strokes, right?

Whichever type of chocolate you prefer, the most important thing to take into consideration is the quality of the ingredients. You can always stick with the most popular brands and well known quality brands, but you can also try out hole in the wall versions. You never know when you can find a treasure.

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Posted by Nikita Gould - September 11, 2014 at 8:30 am

Categories: chocolate articles   Tags: , , ,

Deep-Fried Chocolate Bars

We often crave sweets, and chocolate is one of them. This article is about something that may seem unfamiliar or uncommon to many, but it might interest you. I am talking about deep-fried candy bars.  Yes, you read right, deep fried candy bars!

The usual batter that a lot of chefs or home cooks utilize for frying foods such as fried chicken, fish, meat, or sausages could actually be just as good for frying these sweet treats. The candy bars should be chilled before they go through the process of being battered. This is done to make sure that the chocolates don’t melt into a hot, fatty, sticky mess. You wouldn’t want that, would you?

This unusual treat can trace its roots back into the heart of Scotland, from a fried fish shop that came up with it.  Much to their surprise, these fried candy bars were an instant hit.  The credit for this invention was given to the Haven Chip Bar in Stonehaven, in the year 1995. Stonehaven is a town located in the northeast coast of Scotland, near the historic place of Aberdeen.

A little more than 300 fried fish shops took part in a study done in 2004.  The study showed that almost 22% of these shops sold candy bars that are fried.  Moreover, 17% of these shops had sold them in the past years.

More recently, nearly 75% were found to have been selling these treats, with an average of 23 bars per week.  The more famous shops sold at least 50, and up to 200, of these bars every week.  The typical price in US dollars is $1.75.  The bulk of their customers are children.

Even an overseas British cafe, situated in the country of Thailand, has embraced deep fried candy bars and put it into their own menu.  This treat was at first dubbed as a prank, but when more buyers found it satisfying, it became a regular item on the menu becoming very popular among locals and tourists alike.

This delicacy also been made famous in far flung places from its origins such as New Zealand and Australia.

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Posted by Nikita Gould - October 19, 2012 at 1:37 pm

Categories: chocolate articles   Tags: , ,